Portfolio with photos of the works performed throughout Romania of the company S.C. DANAVI LLC

S.C. DANAVI LLC is an authorized company in refurbishing and clearing the land of unexploded ammunition.

Pictures with unexploded war ammunition, that were found by the employees of S.C. DANAVI LLC during their search.
About us
Throughout Romania large quantities of unexploded ammunition elements are found, representing a significant barrier in the development of building projects, particularly for people’s lives.
SC DANAVI LLC offers professional services across the country, consisting of:
- demining services
- identifying and cleaning areas from unexploded munitions
- cleaning the land, of any ammunition (unexploded munitions land reclamation) • field research and detection of unexploded ammunition
SC DANAVI LLC is a company authorized and specialized in such work, which takes place in accordance with Law 481/2004 on protection of civilians as amended and supplemented. Also, in accordance with Law 126/1995, SC DANAVI LLC has an authorization from the Labor Inspectorate Iasi and Iasi County Police Inspectorate to use explosive materials.
Since 2010, SC DANAVI LLC has implemented and maintains a quality management system according to the conditions of the standard ISO 9001: 2015.
In over 16 years of activity, our company has had numerous projects for the verification, cleaning and rehabilitation of unexploded ammunition sites. At the end of 2016, the researched areas in different projects totaled over 22.500.000 million square meters.
Our clients